Thanks for covering this show with such a thoughtful perspective, Riese. I usually avoid true-crime narratives or cop shows for all the reasons you, Drew, and others here have articulated, but your write-up convinced me to give it a try and I’m so glad I did.
While certain beats feel a bit stagey or pat (like, I’m not usually an apologist for the straight white male cop but it would have been more interesting and felt more real to me if Cam’s brother was a decent person but who was also indicted in the complicity of being a cop and his role in the community), some of the actors are so strong they anchor the show. Gladstone is so good. I too love Goodfellow, and really most of the teen actors are convincing and commit to the complexity of their characters. Kelly is really the only exception… I feel like we don’t yet have any sense of her interiority or desires, and she (along with Cam’s brother) feel like the most cartoonish of the ensemble. I look forward to reading more and thank you for turning me onto this show!